So here we are, 8 days removed from the Tea Party "Convention" and I'm still amazed that Sarah Palin was the best they could do for a keynote speaker. But I digress, because honestly who gives a fuck if the Tea Party succeeds or not. But one thing that has stuck with me, for better or worse, since the "convention" was dear Sarah asking President Obama "how's all that hopey changey stuff workin out for ya?" My first reaction was "Dear God, shut up Sarah the adults have work to do!" Then my sarcastic side kicked in and I asked the TV how all the "folksy winkie stuff" was working out for her. Childish I know, but I couldn't help it. And with good reason, because according to most polls it's pretty much unanimous...AMERICA THINKS SARAH PALIN IS A DUMBASS! Not that she has given anyone much reason to think otherwise, but why does she insist on coming back over and over again just to reprove it to everyone? Maybe the whole dumbass thing just causes a vicious cycle in which dumbass keeps going in front of cameras and showing how dumb he/she is, while simultaneously thinking they're blowing their opposition out of the water (i.e. George W. Bush). Who knows? But at this rate I think Sarah is going to have a very tough go of it in 2012 if she really does plan to run. Honestly at this point I can't imagine her NOT running for at least the Congress or the Senate. Unless of course she is just a media whore and can't get enough of the spotlight.
OH BY THE WAY.....before I forget, DO NOT get to critcize the president for using a teleprompter (which just about every politician does during a televised speech), when you yourself have your notes written on YOUR HAND!! My god, have you ever heard of paper?
But let's get back to Sarah Palin being a dumbass just because it's a fun topic. According to a new ABC News/Washington Post poll Sarah Palin's unfavorability outpaces her favorability by nearly 20 points among registered voters. According to the poll her favorable rating is at 37%, her UNfavorable at 55%. According to the same poll 71% of Americans believe that Sarah Palin is not qualified to be president including 52% of republicans. This is down from (approximately) 53% FAVORABLE upon her introduction to the nation in 2008. This means that her favorability ratings has done a complete 180 since the beginning of her vice presidential bid. This alone does not make her dumb, there are a lot of intelligent people who the general public might not consider qualified to be president. But when you take into consideration most (if not all) of her public statements, interviews, and speeches since 2008 you can't help but reach that conclusion.
Maybe she is just a political opportunist. Perhaps dumb is just plain wrong? That depends on your perspective, if you're concerned about the welfare of the country/world then yes, Sarah Palin is dumb. However if SHE is concerned about nothing more than personal welfare, then maybe she isn't so dumb. In this case she is just exploiting other dumb people for her own personal, political, and financial gain. This may seem like an unlikely senario, but it is perhaps a possibility that I just thought I would throw out there.
Adversarial Light,
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